We have acquired this top-shelf, revenue-generating kind of Ultrablack donor in partnership with David Wood. We purchased her from Randy Schmidt in the 2019 GENETRUST Sale at Cavenders for many reasons, including she was bred in our program.
After quickly being identified by Randy and entering the donor pen, this female’s first flush to Three D produced $12,000, $9,500, and $8,000 open heifers as well as a $9,300 herd sire in addition to two other females who have since entered the donor pen at Schmidt Farms. Talk about a coming-out party! A UB1 sired by Guardian and stemming back to our eye-appealing 404 cow family, she’s quickly made a name for herself by passing on her tremendous performance and design, in a moderate framed, easy-fleshing package. Averaging over 9 embryos on 6 flushes, she has shown the ability to consistently create, and more importantly produce, a calf crop with a low cull rate and a highly desirable public appeal. Randy, along with the GENETRUST partners, saw the value early on in the Ultrablack program and have since been able to identify a number of sires and dams that are able to excel in consistently producing high-quality UB1s and UB2s. Two of the most successful in this endeavor have resided at Schmidt Farms, with the first being Mack (McKellar Consensus) and the second being 404A. Because of her embryo-producing ability and the extremely high-quality retention rate of her offspring, sold her in her entirety, with the prime of her life ahead of her and a proven production record behind her.
She is safe to Brickhouse and will quickly be ready for embryo transfer thereafter, and we are excited about her impact on our herd and the breed.

Landau is a young sire whose dam, 263L, is considered one of the outstanding cows of the breed. His grand dam, 263Z2, purchased from McCreary Brangus was also a prolific donor cow. Landau’s first calves are exceptionally consistent and uniform in their kind with the eye appeal and profile of his sire, LTD; plus he adds breed character, muscle and growth. His consistency is exemplified by the fact he ranks in the top 35% or better for seven traits, including the top 2% for scrotal circumference, 15% for rib eye area, 20% for yearling weight and total maternal, 25% weaning and milk and 35% for calving ease maternal.

Guardian, a Csonka of Brinks son, continues to gain popularity through his ability to produce front pasture kind of Brangus, and when bred to Angus cows, he sires exceptional Ultrablacks. Data driven, Guardian ranks in the top 25% or better for eight traits including the top 1% for calving ease maternal and top 2% for scrotal circumference and fat thickness, top 15% for intramuscular fat and top 25% for weaning, yearling weight, milk, total maternal and ribeye area. He was the third most used sire in terms of International Brangus Breeders Association registrations in 2015 and continues to see extensive use internationally, especially throughout Mexico and Argentina.

DMR El Dorado 1302D12 “Denali”
We purchased this young sire from Draggin’ M Ranch. He is one of the most numerically balanced sires we have seen. He provides outstanding calving ease without sacrificing performance and carcass. Plus, his pedigree is strong. He currently ranks in the top 35% of the breed or better in 9 traits. His sire, Eldorado is quickly rising to the top of the breed with calves like Denali. His dam is a productive Csonka daughter that is a donor. Denali has everything to be the next curve-bending sire of the breed.

New sire for our program and we think he will deliver pounds and more pounds. He’s a Main Event son from the Draggin M Ranch program. He ranks in the top 5% of the breed for WW and top 10% for YW, TM & REA. DMR Main Event 468E32 R10351000.

We’ve added this sire to our program from the Cavender herd. He’s a Tradition son, with Onstar on the maternal side. He ranks in the top 1% for SC; top 2% for WW and YW and top 10% for TM & REA. Watch for his influence in our program. CB Tradition 468E17 R10359400
We have added the sire power of this bull to our program. The combination of herd sire-producing females within his pedigree literally jumps off the page as you study it in detail. The number of donor females contained within this pedigree includes the likes of 302X3(Dam of Three D), 302H6(Dam of Newt), 924T3 (Dam of Final Cut), 30L18 (Dam of Csonka), 415R23 (Dam of Multiple), 924 (Dam of OnStar), 924W5 (Dam of Louisiana Purchase and Can Do) and 795Y2 (Dam of Empire). With super eye appeal, you quickly appreciate the depth of the rib, overall muscle shape, and thickness in a moderate framed, long-spined, level-hipped approach that all cowboys can appreciate. Numerically, his rankings in the Top 10% for WW, SC & REA, and Top 20% for YW & TM solidify his performance alongside his modest 68# BW and 4-star disposition. His sire’s progeny have been popular domestically and abroad, noted for their eye appeal, shape, and style. His dam is a maternal sister to the $100,000 Louisiana Purchase and $24,000 Can Do, among a host of other bulls and females, stemming back to the 924 cow family long known for their fertile and low-maintenance approach. While Three D progeny have been extremely popular, we now see a broadening of pedigree versatility throughout the breed, thanks in large part to the UB program. He contains the type and kind to satisfy the Brangus purist, while having enough growth and pop to use back on a set of Angus or UB1s to make UB1s and UB2s. Multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and multi-talented, this herd sire is built by a combo of great herd sire-producing dams. And you know where great herd sires cow from? Great dams.