JOHNSTON CATTLE CO. top Brangus genetics
Johnston Cattle Co, the commercial cattle segment of the Wat Johnston family, can trace its roots back to the 1600s. Wat’s great grandfather after the War of 1812 gained land in southern Alabama and began raising cotton. Wat’s grandfather operated the family’s plantations after the Civil War and when his dad returned from the Navy in 1946, he added cattle and gradually phased out the cotton. The Johnston's introduced some of the first Angus cattle to this area, also. Wat has spent his life with cattle and enjoys the challenges of raising beef for consumers. Today their commercial herd comprises top Brangus genetics, as he has utilized some of the highest performing Brangus bulls available and is very strict that the herd be sound in all phases of production. In the future, groups of commercial Brangus influenced heifers will be marketed in Cavender-Draggin’M & Partners events and cattle are always for sale at private treaty.